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  • link to Dutch version of Wordle

    click here for all cameras
    Karat 3.5-6.3
    Karat 2.8 / Karat 12
    Karat 36
    Karat IV

    fixed lens mount
    - Altix I-IV
    interchangeable lens mount
    - Altix V, n, nb

    Akarette / Akarelle
    Akarex I, III
    Arette series
    Akarelle (new)

    Periflex I
    Periflex 2, 3
    Periflex 3a, Gold Star
    Corfield 66

    fixed lens mount
    - Diax, I, II, Diaxette, L-1
    interchangeable lens mount
    - Diax Ia,IIa,Ib,IIb,Standard

    Finette I,II
    Finetta I-IV
    Finetta Super
    Finetta 88
    Finetta 99 / 99L / Ditto 99
    Finetta lens mounts
    Finetta accessories

    Ilca, Iloca l, la
    Iloca ll, lla
    Iloca Quick series
    Iloca Rapid series
    Iloca Aut-o-Matic
    Iloca Electric
    Iloca Stereo
    Iloca serial numbers
    Rebranded Ilocas

    Regula I series
    Regula II series
    Regula III series
    later Regulas

    - prewar
    - postwar
    - prewar
    - postwar
    non-folding cameras
    reflex cameras

    folding Retinettes
    non-folding Retinettes

    later versions

    early Minoltas
    Minolta 35
    Minolta A rangefinders
    Minolta Uniomat I-III
    Minolta Hi-Matics
    Minolta SLR

    Photavit II-V
    Photavit 36
    Photina TLR

    Edinex I, S, III
    - Adrette

    Agfa non-Karats
    Braun Paxette / Colorette
    Exakta / Exa / Parvola
    Kodak non-Retinas
    Neidig / DeJUR
    Oehler Infra
    (Berning) Robot
    Zeiss Ikon / CZJ Werra

    Adams 351
    Adams 352
    Adloff Tex
    Adox 300
    Adox Golf
    Adox Polomat
    Agilux Agiflex
    Agilux Auto Flash Super 44
    Agilux Agima / Agimatic
    Aires 35-III L
    Altissa Altuca
    Argus A
    Argus CC
    Argus C3 Matchmatic
    Argus V-100
    Argus Argoflex EF
    Artima Arti-Six/Photo Miami
    Asahi Pentax S2
    Beauty Lightmatic SP
    Beier Beira
    Beier Rifax
    Beier Precisa II
    Bencini Koroll 24S
    Bencini Comet 44
    Bencini Comet III
    Bencini Cometa
    Bilora Bella / Bella 44
    Bilora Radix
    Birnbaum Super Perforetta
    Bolsey 35 model B
    Braun (Super) Colorette
    Braun Gloria
    Braun Gloriette
    Braun Norca Super
    Canon II-F
    Canon AT-1
    Canon Demi
    Certo Durata
    Certo Six
    Certo Super Dollina
    Clarus Model MS-35
    Closter Princess
    Coronet Midget
    Coronet Viscount
    Coronet 6x6
    Dacora Digna
    Dacora Royal
    Durst Automatica
    Durst 66
    Durst Duca
    Elop Elca
    Elop Elca II
    Ensign Selfix 16-20
    Ensign Multex II
    Ernemann Box
    Eta Etareta
    Eumig Eumigetta (2)
    Feca A (Junior)
    Fed-1 G
    Ferrania Lince III
    Foitzik Foinix
    Foth Derby
    Franka Solida IIL
    Franka Solida IIIE
    Franka Rolfix IIE
    Franka (Super) Frankarette
    Fuji Emi-K
    Fujica Rapid D1
    Fujica 35-EE
    GAF Anscomatic 726
    Gallus Derlux
    Gamma Perla
    Gelto-DIII / New Gelto
    Gelto Arsen
    Gevaert Gevalux 144
    Graflex Speed Graphic
    Graflex Ciro 35
    Graflex Graphic 35 Electric
    Goldammer Golda
    Goldi Goldeck
    GOMZ Leningrad
    GOMZ Smena
    Hanimex A35 (Samoca M-35)
    Hunter 35 / Hunter 35 RF
    Ideal Color
    Ilford Advocate
    Ilford Sportsman Auto RF
    IOR Orizont
    Ising Puck
    Ising Isis
    Kalimar Reflex (Fujita)
    Kershaw 630
    Kiev 4 / 4AM
    Klein IIa
    KMZ Horizont
    KMZ Moskva-4
    KMZ Start
    Konica I
    Konica II
    Konica III
    Konica IIIA
    Konica Konilette 35
    Konica S2 / C35
    Konica Auto-S3
    Konishiroku (Konica) Pearl
    Korelle K
    Korelle 6x4.5
    Kuwata Mulber 3x4
    KW Praktica
    KW Praktina FX, IIA
    KW Praktisix IIa
    Leica I model A
    Leica IIIa, IIIc, IIIf
    Leica M3
    Lipca Flexora
    Lipca Rollop 2.8
    LOMO 135BC
    Lumière Eljy
    Lustre Echoflex Semi Automat
    Mamiya 35-II
    Mamiya Magazine 35
    Mamiya Ruby Standard
    Meopta Flexaret IVa
    Merkel Metharette
    Meyer Megor
    Mimosa I / Mimosa II
    Miranda DR
    Miyagawa Boltax III
    Mizuho Six
    MPP Microcord
    MPP Micro Technical Camera
    Montanus Rocca Super Reflex
    Münch Rixa 4.5
    Nagel Ranca
    Nagel Pupille
    Nagel Vollenda 48
    INA Navax
    Nedinsco Primo
    Neoca 2S
    Neoca-S 'Zunow'
    Nikon F
    Nikon S2
    Nixon Nixette
    Officine Galileo Condor I
    Officine Galileo Condoretta
    Olympus 35 & 35-K
    Olympus Auto
    Olympus Six
    Olympus OM-2n MD
    Olympus OM10
    Olympus Pen F/FT
    Olympus 35 SP
    Olympus Wide-E
    Olympus-35 LC
    Olympus Trip 35
    Pentacon F
    Pentacon Six
    Perfex Speed Candid
    Picny by Miyagawa
    Plaubel Makina IIS
    Polaroid SLR 680
    Pontiac Baby-Lynx
    Pontiac Lynx II
    VFB Praktica V F
    Rank Mamiya
    Richter Reflecta
    Ricoh "35" S
    Ricoh 800 EES
    Ricoh Auto Shot
    Rodehüser Panta
    Rodenstock Citonette
       (Welta Perle)

    Rodenstock Robra
       (Balda Baldax)

    Rodenstock Rodinett
       (Glunz Ingo)

    Rodenstock Ysella
       (Zeca Goldi)

    Rollei B35
    Rolleicord I Art Deco
    Rolleicord IIe
    Rolleicord Va
    Rolleiflex Original
    Rolleiflex 2.8E
    Samoca 35 III
    Samoca M-35
    Samoca EE-28
    Schwarzbauer Arex
    Shinano Lacon
    Steinette / Hunter 35
    Steinheil Casca
    Taron PR
    Tahbes Synchro Camera
    Tiranty ST280 by King Regula
    Trusite Girl Scout Minicam
    Universal Mercury II
    Univex Iris
    Vauxhall (Wirgin Wirginex)
    Vena Venaret
    Vredeborch Felica (Reporter)
    Vredeborch Felicette
    Vredeborch Nordina
    Walz Automat 44 Zunow
    Wenk Wenka II
    Wittnauer Professional
    Wöhler Favor
    WZFO Fenix-I/Ib/II
    Yashica Mimy
    Yashica 72-E
    Yashica Half 17 Rapid
    Yashica Lynx-14/14E
    Zeca Goldi (4x6, 3x4)
    Zeh Zeca-Flex
    Zenit 3M
    Zorki 4K


    Welcome to my collection of vintage cameras, which I set up mainly to keep track of my cameras for myself, but may be of interest to others. It also contains information how to fix some of them, as many of these cameras showed the signs of age and long neglect and it seemed wrong to leave them in that state. It also contains an archive of photos taken with some of those cameras.
    If you want to comment on anything on the website or perhaps want to know more about how to fix certain cameras, please feel free to contact me at cjs.classic.cameras[at]gmail.com.

    Recent updates (16.11.24)

    camera wordle (not the game, but the original word-mash

    About me
    My name is Cees-Jan de Hoog and I live near Edinburgh, Scotland. I am a keen but at best gets-lucky-sometimes amateur photographer, a vintage camera collector with a serious case of camera aquisition syndrome, as well as a self-taught camera repair man unable to keep up with my growing collection.

    As I have a scientific and analytical background, you'll probably find these pages reflect that. I like numbers, categorising things and understanding how things work and came to be. My artistic side has suffered somewhat during the last years whilst I focussed on the technical site of photography, but you can find me on Flickr as stroop.wafel.

    Recent updates/additions (click items to visit):

    November 2024
    Balda Baldax
    Balda Piccochic
    Braun Paxette Reflex Automatic
    Franka Solida IIE
    KMZ Zenit-E
    Photavit 'Bolta' 828
    Minor updates: Photavit IV v2, Agfa Karat 36 v3 w/ Solagon, Werra v0 Compur-Rapid, Balda Super Baldax with f/2.8 Ennar, Braun Paxette IIM - tan coloured

    October 2024
    Kiev II
    Minolta Prod 20's
    Riken Zessan
    Certo Dollina II
    OPL Foca **
    Gerlach Ideal

    April 2024
    Contax-S with Biotar
    Pontiac Baby-Lynx
    Pontiac Lynx II
    Gallus Derlux
    Elop Elca

    December 2023
    Zeiss Ikon Contax I
    Zeiss Ikon Contaflex TLR
    Large selection of rebranded Ilocas including Tower, Photrix, Realist, Argus, Reporter.

    October 2023
    Zeiss Ikon ZI rangefinder
    Agfa Isolette L
    Agfa Optima Reflex
    Olympus Pen-W

    March 2023
    Large update of Vintage Photos section: photos I've taken with cameras on this site, including Leica I,  Shanghai-203 and Walz Automat 44
    Aka Akarette I
    King Regula IIId with Ultra-Lithagon 28mm f/3.5
    Korelle 6x4.5
    Welta Weltur II 6x9

    February 2023
    Bilora Radix
    Adams 352 (by Leidolf)
    Super Altissa

    November 2022
    Leica I model A
    Agfa Isolette II with f/3.5 Solinar
    LOMO 135BC
    Carl Zeiss Werra 2

    October 2022
    MPP Microcord
    Berning Robot Star 25
    Carl Zeiss Werra I v2 Synchro-Compur
    Welta Welti (Kodak Retina comparison)
    Nikon F (Nikon S2 comparison)

    September 2022
    Welta Welti (first version)
    KMZ Start
    Beauty Lightmatic SP

    August 2022
    Adox Golf
    Kodak Retina I type 141 with Carl Zeiss Tessar lens
    Kuwata Mulber 3x4
    Mamiya 35-II

    April 2022
    Agfa Flexilette
    Carl Zeiss Werra 4
    Corfield Tele-Lumax 400/4.5 for Periflex
    GOMZ Smena (#IStandWithUkraine version)
    King Regula I-C Compur-Rapid
    Nikon F
    Tiranty Corvette (King Regula variant)

    March 2022
    Zeh Zeca-Flex
    Carl Zeiss Werra 1 (v4) boxed
    Perfex Speed Candid

    December 2021
    Dr. Eulitz Grisette
    Voigtlander Ultramatic CS with f/2 Septon lens
    Voigtlander Vitomatic IIIb with f/2 Ultron lens
    Voigtlander Vito BL
    The Camera Co. Vauxhall (Wirgin Wirginex/Baky)

    November 2021
    Balda Rigona 3x4
    Graflex Miniature Speed Graphic
    Rodenstock Robra (Balda Baldax)
    Wirgin Edixa I
    Wirgin Edixa-Mat Kadett with Enna Sockel mount lenses
    Zeiss Ikon Box Tengor
    Zeiss Ikon Mess Ikonta 524/2

    October 2021

    Large update of Vintage Photos section: photos I've taken with cameras on this site.
    Section about Leitz Elmar lenses on non-Leica cameras.

    Agilux Agifold III
    Akarette wide and telelenses
    Arette Reichert microscope camera
    EHO Altiflex
    Ernemann Box
    Gevaert Gevalux 144
    King Regula IP.a
    King Oga (Regula LKB)
    King Oga (Cita III)
    Nixon Nixette
    Olympus Trip 35
    Olympus OM-1
    Voigtlander Vitrona

    September 2021
    Artima Arti-Six and Photo Miami
    Coronet Midget
    Leidolf Lordox BL
    Minolta A2 L with 100 mm Tele Rokkor
    Nagel Vollenda 48 with Leitz Elmar
    Plaubel Makina IIS
    Pentacon Six

    August 2021
    Reflex Korelle
    Agfa Karat 36 and Karat IV serial number system and production dates

    June 2021
    Agfa Standard for 117 film
    Agfamatic Sensor 200
    Braun Norca Super
    Ensign Multex
    Minolta-35 Model-A
    Minolta-35 Model-D with 135mm Tele-Rokkor

    April 2021
    Braun Paxette Reflex IB
    Canon S-II with collapsible Serenar f/3.5
    Futura Standard with Schneider Xenar lens
    military Kodak 35 Supermatic with 26mm f/2 lens
    Mentor Dreivier with Leitz Elmar
    Toakoki Semi Gelto

    March 2021
    Eumig Eumigetta II
    Finette I with Fenar lens
    early Finetta IV
    Kodak Bantam Special
    Leidolf Optina 24x36
    Pal M4
    Royer Savoya

    February 2021
    Agfa Automatic 66
    black Contax III (Kiev 4)
    Gelto-NKS Tokyo
    Konica IIIA
    Robot Recorder 36M with 35/2.8 Xenogon
    Ruberg Futuro
    Riken Ricohmatic 225

    January 2021
    *** New webhosting site which allowed me to re-upload my camera manuals section and make improvements to page loading efficiency, pages should load up to 4x faster ***

    Asahi Pentax S2
    KMZ Zenit-C
    Leica IIIf RDST with red scale Elmar
    Minoltaflex I
    Minolta Semi-P
    Minolta Autocord LM
    Minolta ER
    Mizuho Six
    Olympus 35 & 35-K
    Olympus Auto
    Olympus Six
    VFB Praktica V F
    Welta Welti v1
    Welta Weltur

    December 2020
    Arat Rapido (Karat 36 variant)/a>
    pre-war Agfa Karat 3.5 v2
    Baby Minolta
    Balda Super Baldina
    black paint Leica III with Leitz Summar
    Nagel Ranca
    (Cosina) Voigtländer Bessa-L with 24mm Skopar

    November 2020
    Voigtländer Virtus
    Corfield Technical 35
    new Welta page incl. Rheinmetall Weltax
    Nikon FM2n
    Ihagee Auto Ultrix Vest
    Thornton Pickard Imperial 'Triple Extension' half plate camera

    October 2020
    LOMO Cosmic 35
    Wirgin Edinex 0 v3
    Berning Robot Star (2x one with no name)

    September 2020
    No updates

    August 2020
    No updates

    July 2020
    Adloff 'Singlo' Tex subminiature
    Agilux Agiflex
    Beier Beira
    Birnbaum Super Perforetta
    Eta Etareta
    Minolta-35 Model-F
    Neidig Perlux Ia
    Neoca-S with Zunow f/1.8 lens
    Zeiss Ikon Movikon 8
    Zenith 80 (Hasselbladski)

    June 2020
    Some new photo series added to the vintage photo section
    (Zeca Goldi, Rodehuser Panta, Kodak Medalist, Leica M3, Corfield Periflex, Agfa Super Isolette)

    May 2020
    No updates

    April 2020
    No updates

    March 2020
    Ricoh "35" S
    WZFO Fenix-II
    Beier Precisa II
    Belca Beltica II

    February 2020
    Minoltaflex II
    Minolta Super 'A' with f/1.8 Rokkor and Minoltameter
    Robot II with rangefinder attachment
    Schneider Tele-Arton 90mm f/4 lens for Robot Royal
    Yashica J-5
    Yashica 44 LM
    Olympus Pen-D
    Eljy Lumiere Club
    Akw Optina (Arette) IB
    Togodo Toyoca 35

    January 2020
    Agfa Ambiflex/Selectaflex lenses
    Arette IDN
    Arette BN (late model)
    Closter Princess
    King Regula 'Duchess'
    Leidolf 57 Lordox Primus
    Leidolf Lordette
    Neoca 2S
    Oehler Infra v.3b
    Olympus Wide-E
    Olympus-35 LC
    Taron Marquis
    Voigtlander Bessamatic w/ Zoomar 36-82mm f2.8 lens
    Welta Watson
    Zeiss Ikon Contaflex II & Beta
    Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex II

    Previous updates...